Rating the presidents

Although author Alvin B Munson is reluctant to rate Americas Presidents,he does believe that there has only been three great men to ever hold that office.Find out who in his 7-part series on American History. Release date is September 14, 2013.


By munsonalvin


In volume 5 of a seven part series titled COMING CLEAN-Stories Of Americas Past,the author writes that Abraham Lincoln was a racist who tried to and did deport African Americans out of the country. Mr.Lincoln also enjoyed telling Darkie, Old Black Sambo and Nigger jokes. Read about this fascinating story and the presidents favorite Nigger joke, all in volume 5. Release date September 14, 2013.

By munsonalvin


slave sommersetPreceedingthe so-called Revolutionary War of 1776,was a judges order concerning a runaway-captured slave.The author Alvin B.Munson contends that the courts decision led directly to the American thirteen Colonies decision to split from the British Empire.Get the full details in the upcoming seven volume series on American History titled COMING CLEAN-Stories Of Americas Past.Release date September-2013.

By munsonalvin


More Africans were imported into the United States durning this twenty year period than any other similar time frame in history.Find out why in Volume-1 of a seven part series on American History titled COMING CLEAN-Stories Of Americas Past.Release date September,7,2013.
On a African Slave Ship to America

By munsonalvin


It is important when documenting history to understand and set the correct foundation of the story.When this is applied to American history let it be noted that the so-called Revolutionary War was as much a civil war as a war for independence, but whos independence. There were probaly as many colonist if not more who wanted to remain attached to the great British empire as there were colonist who wanted to split from Britain.And this is why it was a civil war among civilians.One historian noted that in one year along,there were over 100 battles in the state of South Carolina and not a redcoat(British soldier) in site.The freedom and independence of Africans on the continent was another issue.Read all about it and more in Volume-1 of a seven part series on American history titled,COMING CLEAN-Stories Of Americas Past,coming soon.

War for Independence 1776

By munsonalvin


Did you know that at least two presidents had direct ties to the KKK,one before he took office and one while in office,and all in the 20th century.One was a member years before becoming the president of the United States and the other as president, invited the terrorist KKK organization to the white house where in a special ceremony was made an honorary Grand Wizard of the KKK.Read about these and other fascinating stories in volume 7 of a seven part series on American History titled Coming Clean- Stories Of Americas Past.Stay tuned for the September-2013 release date.


By munsonalvin

Harriet Tubman

Sometimes people ask me about famous people in U.S. history.One of the most famous was Harriet Tubman.Her life is highlighted in book volumes four and five of my upcoming seven part series on American History.She was an incredible person so fasten your seat belt and get ready for the ride. Books released in September 2013. Stay tuned.tubman_harriet

By munsonalvin

Michael Thurmond

Michael Thurmond

I heard the author Thurmond speak this evening on Georgia history and the Civil War .He debunked the myths of history and gave a more correct account of past events.He is a new kind of historian with a more balanced prospective of history.

I particularly enjoyed his views on beginning of Georgia as a free colony setup to rehabilitate people.He also noted the 200,000 or more African Americans who fought on the union side during the Civil War.More information can be found in my books Coming Clean-Stories of Americas Past


Alvin Munson at Cyclorama with Michael Thumonds book "Freedom"

Alvin Munson at Cyclorama with Michael Thumonds book “Freedom”

By munsonalvin